27 Dog Education & Behaviorism - Evreux Bernay

27 Dog Education & Behaviorism - Evreux Bernay

Educateur canin bernay education canine evreux coach canin eure comportementaliste chien 27 1


Dog training

Canine behaviorism

Dog sports


Your "WOUAF EDUC & SERVICES" specialist offers you his animal services:

_ dog trainer, dog trainer at home (individual and group dog training sessions)

_ Adult dog trainer, behavioural rehabilitation

_ Puppy educator, puppy school

_ Cani-hiking, dog agility, educational dog walks

_ canine behaviorist

Educateur canin bernay education canine evreux coach canin eure comportementaliste chien 27 2

Canine trainer Evreux, Bernay and canine education Eure 27 + Val-d'Oise 95 + Yvelines 78.

(see at the bottom of the page the list of municipalities of interventions canine educator Eure 27)

Educateur canin bernay education canine evreux coach canin eure comportementaliste chien 27 3

For all information and reservations, please contact me.

Contact "WOUAF EDUC & SERVICES" by phone at

by email: wouafeducservices@free.fr

Website: wouaf-educ

Educateur canin bernay education canine evreux coach canin eure comportementaliste chien 27 4


Bernay / Evreux / Brionne

Eure 27

Educateur canin bernay education canine evreux coach canin eure comportementaliste chien 27List of communes of interventions canine education Eure 27 :

Bernay, Menneval, Valailles, Plasnes, Courbépine, Saint-Martin-du-Tilleul, Saint-Vincent-du-Boulay, Plainville, Drucourt, Faverolles les Mares, Bournainville-Faverolles, Thiberville, Les Places, Duranville, Le Theil-Nolent, Bazoques, Boissy-Lamberville, Giverville, Epreville-en-Lieuvin, Saint-Victor-d'Epine, Brétigny, Saint-Pierre-de-Salerne, Saint-Cyr-de-Salerne, Berthouville, Franqueville, Aclou, Brionne, Calleville, Bosrobert, Pont-Authou, Malleville-sur-le-Bec, Saint-Eloi-de-Fourques, Saint-Léger-de-Rôtes, Fontaine-l'Abbé, Beaumontel, Barc, Barquet, Grosley-sur-Risle, Saint-Clair-d'Arcey, Saint-Aubin-le-Guichard, Gouttières, Ormes, Claville, Caugé, Parville, Evreux, Aulnay-sur-Iton, Glisolles, La Croisille, Burey, Louversey, Sainte-Marthe, Conches, La Barre-en-Ouche, La Roussière, Broglie, Treis-Sants-en-Ouche, Saint-Germain-la-Campagne, Pont-Audemer, Saint-Germain-Village, Campigny, Epaignes...