Brigitte bardot defense des animaux fondation protection animale

Brigitte Bardot, the greatest animal protector

On 2023-05-04

In Pet News



Obviously, all French men and women know or have heard of Madame Brigitte Bardot. Whether it is the famous actress and singer known and recognized throughout the world, the activist for women's rights or the animal protector, Mrs. Brigitte Bardot represents beauty, progression, brotherhood, strength, love and many other superlatives and attributes dedicated. In France and all over the world, Madame Brigitte Bardot is considered by many people to be the image of the France or Queen of France.

It is important to relate all the good deeds carried out by Mrs. Brigitte Bardot in order to give the relay to the greatest number of us and to pursue important initiatives such as the defense of animals, animal protection and fight against the abandonment of pets and the traffic of live animals throughout France and DOM-TOM.

By creating the Brigitte Bardot Foundation in 1986 whose headquarters are in Paris, Mrs. Brigitte Bardot has devoted her entire life and still devotes it today to the protection of pets, farm animals, wild animals in France and around the world. Mrs. Brigitte Bardot is at the origin of campaigns for the rescue of animals at sea and on land, campaigns to sterilize stray dogs and cats, campaigns to combat animal abandonment and campaigns to financially help animal shelters and zoo shelters. In addition, Mrs. Brigitte Bardot has transformed her property in Saint-Tropez "La Madrague" into a private animal shelter that welcomes dogs, cats, nac's and farm animals.

What to say apart from Bravo Mrs Bardot, let us copy your ideas individually and collectively. Let's help and protect animals. is an activist and is also involved in the defense of animals and animal abandonment by regularly publishing news on animal protection, animal law, foundations and associations for the protection of animals, the adoption of dogs and cats in animal shelters and SPA, the reporting of lost animals and the reporting of animals that are abused.