Actualite la motte 83920 var

Various facts La Motte 83920 Var

On 2023-04-06

In Pet News



Animal abuse also exists for the many stray cats present throughout France and mainly in the south of the France where we can see in almost all villages and cities a large number of abandoned cats totally abandoned by villagers or city dwellers because no one feeds them except for a few diehard animal lovers and animal defenders.

And it is not always easy to feed stray cats because there are always disgruntled or even aggressive and threatening detractors who prefer to be left without water or food like the town of La Motte 83920 near Fréjus and Draguignan in the Var department where there are dozens of cats initially abandoned by former inhabitants of La Motte who by moving abandon their cat in the street. In addition, the Town Hall does not fulfill its functions of having to sterilize stray females via Associations, cats copulate and generate a multitude of stray cats present everywhere in the village.

Mr. G is a former resident of La Motte 83920, who for 5 years fed almost all the stray cats in the village, and who witnessed the disappearance of 7 stray cats in less than a year during 2022 and early 2023, cats he fed every day and unfortunately another neighboring witness living in La Motte had found around 3 am in October 2022, a dead cat totally exploded in the middle of a street (rue Grande) and which had been burst against the wall (the witness reports a cat totally lynched to death with bulging eyes), there are still traces of blood on the wall.

Also, Mr. G and the young man witness of the killed cat strongly suspect an individual who has also made defamation on the social network Facebook on Mr. G about stray cats and whose dwelling is often crossed by stray cats in the heart of the village (stray cats often climb on roofs to be quiet). After filing a complaint for defamation and despite the report of cats killed and evidence found in the street on the wall, there has never been an investigation or findings of fact, we walk on our heads.

Now, stray cats that stay alive in La Motte are frightened with a modified behavior certainly due to traumatic experiences. 

From now on, the only solution to protect abandoned stray cats is to seek the help and services of an Association for Animal Protection or a Foundation like the Brigitte Bardot Foundation, but they are too few in France and often lack the financial means to act with millions of abandoned animals in France. Also, it is possible to use a pet lawyer.

If, however, via her Foundation Mrs. Brigitte Bardot who lives in Saint-Tropez less than 50 kilometers from La Motte can take care of helping stray cats and the mysteries of regular disappearances of cats, it would be with great pleasure and a big thank you for them.