Loup en france dispersion des loups

The presence of wolves everywhere in France

On 2023-06-13

In Pet News



According to the wolf observatory, which lists all the places in France occupied by wolves, we can see via the wolf dispersal map, their presence throughout the French territory except in Corsica, the only region where there is no reported wolf presence. Wolves settle in their natural environment consisting of large forests, mountains, plains and some vast countryside.

Alone or in packs, wolves move in search of natural territories with enough food available.

The entire eastern half of the France is provided with wolves whose presence is permanent with reproduction of canids. The presence of wolves in the Vercors as well as in the plains and mountains of the south-east of the France has always been observed and wolves know perfectly all these reliefs and valleys. The entire western half of the France is considered to be dispersal of wolves before permanent settlement. Wolves systematically apprehend each new natural area encountered before settling there or leaving and tracking another territory of life.

Wolves are sometimes forced to move either for lack of food or because they are driven from an urbanizing territory or because of the devastation of forests. This is why we can see the presence of wolves everywhere in France in the Jura, the Doubs, the Lot, the Tarn, the Loiret, the Morvan, the Vosges, the Pyrenees or in Brittany, Normandy and Pays-de-la-Loire.

As a result, more and more articles and headlines can be read on television, in newspapers, wildlife magazines and on the internet based on the presence of wolves. Some articles talk about the misdeeds of wolves and others simply notify the presence of wolves. It is important to respect the wolf and the natural environment in which it lives and evolves. Animal protection are also aimed at wolves who benefit from animal rights.


Also, wildlife photographers are interested in wolves and seek to photograph wolves or to meet different professional requests such as making a wildlife report on wolves.



Everywhere in France, the presence of wolves:

01 - Ain - Bourg-en-bresse - 02 - Aisne - Laon - 03 - Allier - Moulins - 04 - Alpes-de-Haute-Provence - Digne-les-bains - 05 - Hautes-alpes - Gap -06 - Alpes-maritimes - Nice - 07 - Ardèche - Privas - 08 - Ardennes - Charleville-mézières - 09 - Ariège - Foix - 10 - Aube - Troyes - 11 - Aude - Carcassonne - 12 - Aveyron - Rodez - 13 - Bouches-du-Rhône - Marseille - 14 - Calvados - Caen - 15 - Cantal - Aurillac - 16 - Charente - Angoulême - 17 - Charente-maritime - La rochelle - 18 - Cher - Bourges - 19 - Corrèze - Tulle - 21 - Côte-d'Or - Dijon - 22 - Côtes-d'Armor - Saint-brieuc - 23 - Creuse - Guéret - 24 - Dordogne - Périgueux - 25 - Doubs - Besançon - 26 - Drôme - Valence - 27 - Eure - Évreux - 28 - Eure-et-loir - Chartres - 29 - Finistère - Quimper - 30 - Gard - Nîmes - 31 - Haute-garonne - Toulouse - 32 - Gers - Auch - 33 - Gironde - Bordeaux - 34 - Hérault - Montpellier - 35 - Ille-et-vilaine - Rennes - 36 - Indre - Châteauroux - 37 - Indre-et-loire - Tours - 38 - Isère - Grenoble - 39 - Jura - Lons-le-saunier - 40 - Landes - Mont-de-marsan - 41 - Loir-et-cher - Blois - 42 - Loire - Saint-étienne - 43 - Haute-loire - Le puy-en-velay - 44 - Loire-atlantique - Nantes - 45 - Loiret - Orléans - 46 - Lot - Cahors - 47 - Lot-et-garonne - Agen - 48 - Lozère - Mende - 49 - Maine-et-loire - Angers - 50 - Manche - Saint-lô - 51 - Marne - Châlons-en-champagne - 52 - Haute-marne - Chaumont - 53 - Mayenne - Laval - 54 - Meurthe-et-moselle - Nancy - 55 - Meuse - Bar-le-duc - 56 - Morbihan - Vannes - 57 - Moselle - Metz - 58 - Nièvre - Nevers - 59 - Nord - Lille - 60 - Oise - Beauvais - 61 - Orne - Alençon - 62 - Pas-de-calais - Arras - 63 - Puy-de-dôme - Clermont-ferrand - 64 - Pyrénées-atlantiques - Pau - 65 - Hautes-Pyrénées - Tarbes - 66 - Pyrénées-orientales - Perpignan - 67 - Bas-rhin - Strasbourg - 68 - Haut-rhin - Colmar - 69 - Rhône - Lyon - 70 - Haute-saône - Vesoul - 71 - Saône-et-loire - Mâcon - 72 - Sarthe - Le mans - 73 - Savoie - Chambéry - 74 - Haute-savoie - Annecy - 75 - Paris - Paris - 76 - Seine-maritime - Rouen - 77 - Seine-et-marne - Melun - 78 - Yvelines - Versailles - 79 - Deux-sèvres - Niort - 80 - Somme - Amiens - 81 - Tarn - Albi - 82 - Tarn-et-Garonne - Montauban - 83 - Var - Toulon - 84 - Vaucluse - Avignon - 85 - Vendée - La roche-sur-yon - 86 - Vienne - Poitiers - 87 - Haute-vienne - Limoges - 88 - Vosges - Épinal - 89 - Yonne - Auxerre - 90 - Territoire de belfort - Belfort - 91 - Essonne - Évry - 92 - Hauts-de-seine - Nanterre - 93 - Seine-Saint-Denis - Bobigny - 94 - Val-de-marne - Créteil - 95 - Val-d'Oise - Cergy Pontoise

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Bretagne, Centre-Val de Loire, Grand Est, Hauts-de-France, Île-de-France, Normandie, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Occitanie, Pays de la Loire, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur